DTL Score Declarations for 2024 DTL Leaderboards

   30 Nov 2023

DTL Score Declaration Exemption for Limited Period

The ICTSA Executive has granted DTL shooters an exemption from the 7 day limit to submit scores from non-ICTSA events, for scores achieved for the period 1 September 2023 to 26 November 2023.

This requirement has arisen as a result of a previous (and now discontinued) practice in DTL, whereby shooters' non-ICTSA event scores were automatically included in Leaderboards without the need to submit score declarations.

Shooters that wish to submit any scores for the above period should do so by completing  the form available at https://www.ictsa.ie/declare-a-score , and emailing it to statistical@ictsa.ie . These score declarations must be submitted no later than 9 December 2023.

Scores for future events must be submitted within 7 days of the event, as prescribed in ICTSA rules. Failure to meet this  requirement will result in that declaration being rejected. 
