The Irish Clay Target Shooting Association promotes participation in a drugs free environment and as the National Governing Body of our sport adheres to the Irish anti-doping rules as amended from time to time. Doping is contrary to the spirit of sport and every ICTSA member has a duty to ensure that our sport is kept free of doping.
What is Doping?
“Doping” refers to an athlete’s use of prohibited drugs or methods to improve training and sporting results. Steroids are the drugs that often come to mind when we talk about doping, but doping also includes an athlete’s use of other forbidden drugs (such as stimulants, hormones, diuretics, narcotics and marijuana), use of forbidden methods (such as blood transfusions or gene doping), and even the refusal to take a drug test or an attempt to tamper with doping controls.
What is Anti-Doping?
“Anti-Doping” is the fight against doping in sport in all its forms.
Membership of the ICTSA means that you may be selected for testing. Your acceptance of membership commits you to agreeing to testing.
All members have a responsibility to ensure that they are aware of the Irish Anti-Doping Rules and that there is an atmosphere supporting a drug free sport within the Association.
A copy of the Irish Anti-Doping Rules is available at Anti-Doping Rules | Sport Ireland
Once you join the ICTSA and enter a competition you are accepting the fact that you could be drug tested.
Spirit of the Sport
Doping is contrary to the spirit of sport and the spirit of sport is the intrinsic value of sport.
The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind, and is characterised, amongst other values, by ethics, fair play, honesty, health and respect for, and compliance with, the spirit and letter of rules and laws.
The ICTSA is fully committed to ensuring doping has no place in the sport of clay target shooting and works with Sport Ireland and our international partners in our anti-doping efforts.
The rules apply to members and member support personnel. The Irish Anti-doping Programme seeks to preserve the spirit of sport. By virtue of their participation in ICTSA activities, members, including minors, agree to abide by the Irish Anti-Doping Rules as amended from time to time.
Member Responsibility
The following section highlights key areas regarding Anti-Doping.
The ICTSA advises all members to read and understand the anti-doping rules and to understand your responsibilities under the rules. The consequences of not adhering to Anti-Doping rules can be severe for members; therefore, it is critical that any questions/concerns be clarified with either the ICTSA or Sport Ireland.
All members wishing to compete in any ISSF or ESC event must complete the Sport Ireland e-learning anti-doping programme and send a copy of their certificate of completion to the ICTSA Anti-doping officer in order to be eligible to compete.
Anti-Doping Rules | Sport Ireland
The ICTSA by special resolution adopted the Irish Anti-Doping Rules as amended from time to time as the anti-doping rules of Association in 2004.
Under the Irish Anti-Doping Rules, Sport Ireland carries out drug testing on behalf of the ICTSA
International Federation Rules
The ICTSA must also adhere to the rules of our International Federation’s the ISSF, ESC, FITASC, ICTSC and ICTSF.
Members attending international events need to check in particular the regulations regarding TUE requirements of the International Federation in relation to competing for example if a Sport Ireland TUE Certificate of Approval is accepted or if an athlete needs to re-apply to the International Federation etc.
What do members need to know?
In principle any shooter competing in clay target shooting can be tested so each athlete regardless of the level at which they are competing needs to be aware of the anti-doping rules.
WADA Prohibited List–Checking Medications & TUE Policy
The World Anti-Doping Code (Code) is the core document that harmonizes anti-doping policies, rules and regulations within sport organizations and among public authorities around the world.
It works in conjunction with five International Standards which aim to foster consistency among anti-doping organizations in various areas:
World Anti-Doping Code | World Anti-Doping Agency (
The World Anti-Doping Agency issues a Prohibited List annually.
Prohibited List | World Anti-Doping Agency (
Note: Recreational Drugs are tested for in-competition.
Check the status of over-the-counter and prescribed medications in relation to the Prohibited List, based on where you purchase the medication:
Republic of Ireland:
You can check if your medicines are compliant with WADA regulations using Sport Ireland's medicine checker website at Medcheck Sport Ireland
Medications bought in the Republic of Ireland can be checked by your G.P., Consultant or Pharmacist in a monthly publication called MIMS Ireland. Ensure the current month’s edition is checked.
Northern Ireland/UK/Canada/USA:
Medications bought in Northern Ireland, U.K., U.S.A and Canada can be checked on
See How to Check your Medications | Sport Ireland
If a medication is prohibited, you must check and adhere to the Sport Ireland TUE Policy at As per this policy, if you compete at international level, check the International Federation TUE Policy.
Sample Collection Procedures
For information on the Sample Collection Procedures that are adhered to when athletes are tested, the following resources are available:
What happens in a drug test? | Sport Ireland
Check out the Sport Ireland Anti-Doping e-Learning programme at Sport Ireland Anti-Doping eLearning | Sport Ireland
Athletes need to be aware that there are risks associated with the use of sports supplements with many positive drug tests associated with their use. For more information, read the Sport Ireland Supplements and Sports Food Policy at
Supplements and Herbal Remedies | Sport Ireland
Registered Testing Pool
Athletes are informed directly by Sport Ireland when they are included on the Registered Testing Pool. Athletes on the RTP can be tested anywhere, anytime with no advance notice. Athletes must comply with the RTP requirements such as TUE and Whereabouts requirements.
See Registered Testing Pool | Sport Ireland
Who to ask for further information? Contact Us | Sport Ireland
Any additional queries which members may have,
should be addressed to the Association’s Anti-Doping Officer, Cian Merne:
Policy reviewed and updated: 10/06/2022 by Cian Merne